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Kanchanaburi, the city of trains and waterways, is one of the top choices for those looking to travel by train. With a distance of just 116 kilometers from Thonburi Station to Kanchanaburi Station, this journey is quick and convenient, allowing you to explore everything in a single day.

There are numerous recommended attractions, starting with the iconic Bridge over the River Kwai, a historical site dating back to World War II. The bridge is 300 meters long, and you can walk across it to take photos while enjoying the view of the river. However, be cautious of passing trains, as this railway line is still in operation.

Additionally, there are many other attractions near the train station, including the Don Rak War Cemetery, the Kanchanaburi Skywalk, and the Kanchanaburi Thai Paper Mill.

Bangkok Weather
14.03399, 99.5255
Kanchanaburi Railway Station
14.03399, 99.5255
Kanchanaburi Railway Station
14.03399, 99.5255
Kanchanaburi Railway Station
14.03399, 99.5255
Kanchanaburi Railway Station
14.03399, 99.5255
Kanchanaburi Railway Station


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